Did you buy a lock recently and you’ve already had to replace it? We hear a lot of that at Naperville Locksmith Pro. But, we also know that on many occasions when your locks stop functioning well, it is because they haven’t been taken care of properly. Yes! Locks need to be maintained. It doesn’t matter if it is a padlock, a deadbolt or some other fancy type of lock. The better you care for your locks, the longer they will last.
If you want to make sure that your money doesn’t go down the drain when you purchase a lock, make sure that you take care of it. This goes for expensive locks too. Not because they are expensive, it doesn’t mean that they are self-maintaining. You have to treat them well so they can last for a long time.
How Do You Treat Your Locks?
Have you ever stopped to check your lock to see if all is well? Or are you the type that just opens and closes the lock and then go about your business? This is not a good practice. There may be damage to your lock that you haven’t noticed, or there could be a strain on your lock and because you haven’t been paying attention, it becomes ineffective.
Remember, the locks on your home, car and business are there for a reason. They are there to protect you. If you keep them in disrepair they will be unable to do their job. Don’t ignore them and treat them as if they value nothing. They are one of the main reasons why you sleep so sound at night. Without those locks, you would be putting yourself at great risk of danger.
You do not have to get a professional to help you with lock maintenance. There are a lot of things that you can do on your own. But, if you so desire, feel free to reach out to a locksmith in Naperville. You should be able to get all the maintenance you need for your locks at an affordable price. However, if you want to check your locks on your own, here are some things that you should do.
- Look for rust
Rust on your locks is not a very good thing. it means that the metal used to make your lock has begun to corrode. Once there is corrosion, the metal is getting weak. This makes you more susceptible to a break-in. If you see any sign of rust on your locks, make sure you get them changed as soon as you can. It is very important that you do not procrastinate. That’s a serious risk that you would be taking with your safety.
- Get rid of any dirt or dust
Dirt and dust on your locks can prevent moving parts from gliding over each other smoothly. Instead, they increase the amount of friction in the lock. Friction and locks do not go well together. That is a sure recipe for disaster. If you notice that there is any build up on the lock, clean it thoroughly. Make sure that you do not remove all lubrication. If you do, you will have to lubricate the lock afterwards.
- Check for damage to the lock
Sometimes there is damage to your lock but you will not notice it unless you take a very close look. Just inserting and removing the key from your lock is not enough for you to observe some types of damage that may be present. This is especially true if you are using locks that extend into the doorjamb. Take a few minutes to check out the lock and see if anything is odd.
For this to be successful, you should know what the lock looked like with no damage to it, so inspect your locks periodically to see the amount of wear and tear or damage that is present. Of course, if the damage is severe, you will have to replace the locks promptly.
- Lubricate your locks
Lubrication for locks? Yes, that’s correct! You should lubricate your locks periodically. Some recommend once a year, others say as necessary. Truth is, some locks are used more frequently than others and some may require lubrication more frequently too. Pay attention to your locks and determine how often they need to be lubricated. It is in your best interest that your locks remain functional.
- Do not stress or strain your locks
Stress and strain is not uncommon to locks. It is especially common when locks are used on doors. Sometimes, the hinge of the door is not able to properly sustain the weight of the door. As a result, the door tends to fall a bit. Since no adjustment is made to the locks on the door, they get affected. Ever had to slightly lift a door so you could get it locked? That’s a perfect example. Some cases are not so severe. But, this strain on the lock is not good for the lifespan of the lock and it is also not good for your safety.
If You Want Your Locks to Last for a Long Time, Maintain Them!
Some locks are definitely inferior to others. There’s no doubt about that. But, it doesn’t mean that you have to purchase a new lock ever so often. With proper maintenance, you should be able to get at least a few years worth of service from any lock that you purchase. Just make sure that you follow the tips outlined above and you will be all set to go.
If you need a locksmith for any maintenance advice, service or you need to replace a lock, call us at Naperville Locksmith Pro in Naperville, IL. We are your lock experts so we can handle any lock problem that you face. It doesn’t matter what type of lock you have on your home, car or business. We can take care of it for you. Just give us a call and let us know your concern.

Aricle source here: Naperville Locksmith Pro: Lock Maintenance